[00:00:00] Ellen Delara: Bullying is not okay, first and foremost, and what are we going to do about it? So intervening early on when people see this happening, not just making an assumption, Oh, well, you know, kids bully each other, so what? That assumption is completely dangerous. [00:00:22] Al Scott: The Rational View is… Continue reading 113 Dr. Ellen deLara discusses bullying
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111 What I’ve learned about the hard problem of consciousness
[00:00:00] Al Scott: Computer scientists have shown that neuronal networks representative of our brains can be simulated in computers and trained to perform specific computational tasks. They seem to learn. They seem to process information similar to how we process information. [00:00:23] The Rational View is a weekly series hosted by me, Dr. Allen Scott,… Continue reading 111 What I’ve learned about the hard problem of consciousness
110 Angelica Oung says the world needs more CANDU reactors
[00:00:00] Angelica Oung: If we join together, amplify each other, hold each other up, explore each other tech technologies with curiosity, even if it’s not our own pet solution, then we are gonna be a more formidable force in the world. And there’s frankly, like our biggest enemy is not anybody who’s pro-nuclear at all.… Continue reading 110 Angelica Oung says the world needs more CANDU reactors
106 Dr. Scott Aaronson on sentience, AI, and quantum computing
[00:00:00] Scott Aaronson: So, you know, these are, these are some of the, these sort of philosophical enormities that, that I think, you know, once you have A.I. That can sort of perform, you know, at, at human level or simulate humans, you know, these are going to be activated. [00:00:22] Al Scott: The Rational… Continue reading 106 Dr. Scott Aaronson on sentience, AI, and quantum computing
105 Dr. Michael Levin on cellular cooperation and cognition
[00:00:00] Al Scott: The Rational View, is a weekly series hosted by me, Dr. Allen Scott, providing a rational, evidence based perspective on important societal issues. [00:00:12] Soapbox Media: Produced by Soapbox Media. [00:00:16] Al Scott: Hello, and welcome to another episode of The Rational View. I’m your host, Dr. Al Scott. In this episode,… Continue reading 105 Dr. Michael Levin on cellular cooperation and cognition
104 A Buddhist perspective on awareness with Dr. John Dunne
[00:00:00] John Dunne: The Buddha can’t save you. You know, and there are many Buddhas, actually, you know, the Buddhas, the many Buddhas, the infinite number of Buddha in the Infinite Multiverse; they can’t save you. You have to save yourself. And in order to do that, you have to analyze the nature of reality… Continue reading 104 A Buddhist perspective on awareness with Dr. John Dunne
103 Lemmel and Hoffman experiment with reality
[00:00:00] Holger Hofmann: …and you are trying to somehow fit your idea of reality, which is not based on observation into the observable universe. For me, I’m always wondering how can I have confidence about such a thing when my only confidence about reality in everyday life is the observation? [00:00:22] Al Scott: The Rational… Continue reading 103 Lemmel and Hoffman experiment with reality
102 Shorting the grid with Meredith Angwin
[00:00:00] Meredith Angwin: The first thing is to show up so that people know that it’s okay to be pro-nuclear. That’s the first message. It’s okay to be pro nuclear. I’m here. I have kids. I have grandkids. I care about the world. I care about having trails so people can get out into nature.… Continue reading 102 Shorting the grid with Meredith Angwin
101 Dr. Ruth Kastner and the transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics
[00:00:00] Ruth Kastner: Quantum systems really are elements of possibility in a sense that exist outside of the space, time manifold. And so that these interactions are not literally things going forward in time or backward in time, but rather they’re sort of possibilities that are in play. [00:00:21] Al Scott: The rational view is… Continue reading 101 Dr. Ruth Kastner and the transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics
100 Dr. Sangeetha Menon with a Hindu perspective on consciousness
[00:00:00] Sangeetha Menon: Agency is definitely a cognitive concept. As we understand in cognitive sciences agency is very, very important, but that idea itself is seen in the body mind continuum. And the self is a concept which has transcendental elements. And it also gives you a sense of purpose. [00:00:21] Al Scott: The rational… Continue reading 100 Dr. Sangeetha Menon with a Hindu perspective on consciousness